


12 January 2005

Luncheon briefing by journalists Shahanaaz Habib from The Star and Syed Nadzri from The New Straits Times on the impact of the Tsunami which hit Asian shores on 26 December 2004. KLBC also donated RM100,000 to the Mercy Humanitarian Fund.

4 February 2005

KLBC’s First Annual Dinner 2005 at Bon Bon Brasserie.

6 May 2005

Dinner Address by YB Dato’ Seri Rafidah Aziz, Minister of International Trade and Industry on “Trade Liberalisation: What Form and Direction.”

1 – 2 June 2005

Visit to Singapore by several KLBC members. YB Dato’ Sri Dr Jamaluddin Dato’ Mohd Jarjis, Minister of Science, Technology & Innovation, Malaysia was guest of honour.

8 August 2005

Dinner Address by YB Dato’ Sri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein, Minister of Education on “Education For All and The Search For Excellence.”

5 September 2005

Luncheon Address by Sir Howard Davies, Director of The London School of Economics and Political Science on “Reforms and Changes in China’s Financial System.”

29 September 2005

Dinner Address by Mr. Jeff Immelt, President and Chief Executive Officer of General Electric on “Transformation and Leadership.”